Even coal miners want Build Back Better to pass

It seems like a lot of folks have a bone to pick with Rep. Joe Manchin [D-WV] who has just this week single-handedly “torpedoed” the Build Back Better bill. The BBB could have been the “the most significant climate legislation in US history,” Megan Mahajan, the manager of energy policy design at the think tank Energy Innovation, told PopSci in October. The plan would put billions of money into developing low-carbon energy technologies and building a national network for electric vehicles. 

Still, Manchin, who has received around $400,000 in donations from fossil fuel companies and made millions off of a coal brokerage firm he founded himself, couldn’t get on board even after resisting the Clean Electricity Performance Program (CEPP), which would give utilities $150 billion plan to install increasing amounts of clean electricity. “If I can’t go home and explain it to the people of West Virginia, I can’t vote for it,” Manchin told Fox on Sunday. “I’ve tried everything humanly possible. I can’t get there. This is a no.”

When this bill dies, so do the chances for the country to reach its lofty and aggressive climate change goals. “There’s still a yawning gap between where we are today and where we need to be to hit President Biden’s climate targets,” Jesse Jenkins, an energy systems engineer at Princeton University who has led an effort to model the effects of the bill on US-wide emissions, told the New York Times. “Without either this bill or a climate bill that’s similar in scope, it’s really hard to see how those goals will be met.”

Unsurprisingly, left-leaning members of the Democratic party and the president himself have voiced frustration with Manchin’s choice. But a more surprising group is speaking out against Manchin’s decision, too—coal miners, including some he represents. 

[Related: Biden’s infrastructure act bets big on 3 types of ‘green’ energy tech.]

On Monday, the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) issued a statement urging Manchin to “revisit his opposition to this legislation.” Just last year, the organization named Manchin an “honorary member” of the UMWA.

The BBB, along with all of its proposed clean energy benefits, provides a significant boost to coal workers by extending fees paid by coal companies to fund treatments and benefits of workers suffering pneumoconiosis, or Black Lung, which affects thousands of miners across the country. According to the statement, without BBB, that fee will be chopped in half and put the burden of healthcare payments back on individuals and taxpayers. Further, the bill provides tax incentives for companies to build new business on coalfields to employ out-of-work miners. 

Additionally, the BBB provides language that would help workers unionize. “This language is critical to any long-term ability to restore the right to organize in America in the face of ramped-up union-busting by employers,” Cecil Roberts, the union’s president, said in a statement. “But now there is no path forward for millions of workers to exercise their rights at work.”

UMWA already released a plan for the energy transition earlier this year stating that “change is coming, whether we seek it or not.” The coal industry saw employment losses of around 50 percent between 2011 and 2020, which will likely continue as the country moves toward a cleaner energy mix. Proposals that include supporting miners and their families by incentivizing alternative jobs in coal country are crucial in protecting these already vulnerable communities

“We’re likely to lose coal jobs whether or not this bill passes,” Phil Smith, the chief lobbyist for UMWA, told the Washington Post. “If that’s the case, let’s figure out a way to provide as many jobs as possible for those who are going to lose.”

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Minnesota’s lakes are running low on oxygen

This story originally featured on Nexus Media News, a nonprofit climate change news service.

On a sweltering morning in July of 2021, thousands of dead fish washed onto the northeastern shores of Pokegama Lake, 140 miles north of Minneapolis. 

Deb Vermeersch, an official with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, was called in to investigate. 

When she arrived, she saw a quarter-mile stretch of sand covered with the rotting carcass of walleye and Northern pike, which thrive in deep, cool waters, as well as crappies, sunfish and suckers—all warm water dwellers. “They were already pretty decomposed because of the warm water,” Vermeersch recalls. 

Because so many different types of fish had died, Vermeersch and her colleagues knew it wasn’t a species-specific parasite, a common cause of fish kills. They zeroed in on the culprit: dangerously low oxygen levels.

Oxygen is disappearing in freshwater lakes at a rate nine times that of oceans due to a combination of pollution and warming waters, according to a study published in Nature earlier this year. Lakes like Pokegama are warming earlier in the spring and staying warm into autumn, fueling algae blooms, which thrive in warm waters, and threaten native fish.

Minnesota, with its 14,380 lakes and temperatures that have risen faster than the national average, is a unique laboratory for studying how climate change is affecting temperate-zone lakes around the world. The state sits at the intersection of four biomes––two distinct prairie ecosystems and two ecologically different forest systems. This means scientists here are able to study how lakes in different ecosystems fare on a warming planet, and look for ways to stave off the worst effects of climate change. 

“If you start losing oxygen, you start losing species.

“What’s going on at the surface is that warmer water holds less oxygen than cool water,” says Lesley Knoll, a University of Minnesota limnologist and one of the authors of the Nature report. She says that longer, hotter summers are interfering with two key processes that have historically kept lakes’ oxygen levels in check: mixing and stratification. In temperate climates, water at the surface of lakes mixes with deep waters in the spring and the fall, when both layers are similar in temperature. As the surface water warms during the summer, the water forms distinct layers based on temperature––cool water at the bottom, warm at the top. This is known as stratification. In the fall, when the surface waters cool again, the water mixes for a second time, replenishing oxygen in deeper waters. But as climate change makes surface water warmer, and keeps it warmer for longer, that mixing doesn’t happen when it should.

“As you have that stronger stratification, the water in the deep part of the lake is cut off from the oxygen at the top part of the lake. If you start losing oxygen, you start losing species,” says Kevin Rose, a biologist at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York and a coauthor of the Nature study.

Knoll, Rose and a team of 43 other researchers studied 400 temperate lakes from around the world. They found that, on average, surface waters warmed by 7 degrees Fahrenheit and have lost roughly 5 percent of oxygen since 1980; deep waters, which haven’t warmed much, have still lost an average of almost 20 percent of their oxygen. (Thanks to the state’s long-held lake monitoring programs, almost a quarter the lakes in the study were in Minnesota.)

Warming lakes emit methane

Fish kills aren’t the only reason scientists are concerned about lakes losing oxygen. In extreme cases, when deep waters go completely void of oxygen, something else happens: Methane-emitting bacteria begin to thrive.

“As lakes warm, they will produce more methane and most of that has to do with stratification,” says James Cotner, a limnologist at the University of Minnesota.

Lakes normally emit carbon dioxide as a natural part of breaking down the trees, plants and animals that decay in them, but plants in and around fresh water also absorb it, making healthy lakes carbon sinks. 

Lakes have historically emitted methane, too––about 10 to 20 percent of the world’s emissions––but the prospect of them releasing more of the greenhouse gas has Cotner and his colleagues alarmed. Methane is about 25 times more potent than CO2 when it comes to trapping heat in Earth’s atmosphere.

Cotner is leading a team of researchers who are studying what conditions allow methane-emitting bacteria to prosper in lakes and how conservationists can respond. 

“The key questions are understanding how much and when carbon dioxide and methane are emitted from lakes, and what are the key variables that can tell how much will be emitted. Certainly, oxygen is a big part of that, but stratification and warming also plays a role,” says Cotner. 

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Pollution plays a big role

It’s not just longer, hotter summers that are causing lakes to lose their oxygen. Polluted agricultural runoff (pesticides and fertilizers) and logging have long plagued Minnesota’s lakes. It’s a problem that’s getting worse worldwide as climate change pushes agriculture further away from the equator and into new territory, says Heather Baird, an official with Minnesota’s Department of Natural Resources.

In northern Minnesota, potatoes now grow where pine forests have thrived for years. Phosphorus, a common fertilizer, now runs off from the soil into the region’s lakes, Baird says. Though small amounts of phosphorus occur naturally in lake ecosystems, too much of it feeds harmful algae blooms. 

Those blooms, which thrive in warm, nutrient-rich water, set off a chain of events that remove oxygen from deep lake waters.

“When phosphorus builds in lakes and creates algae blooms, those blooms eventually die. As they do, they sink. Deeper down, bacteria break down the algae, using up the remaining oxygen at those lower depths,” said Baird.

A quarter of Minnesota lakes now have phosphorus levels that are so high that the state advises against swimming, fishing or boating in them. Fueled by these nutrients, algae blooms take over, covering the lake in sometimes toxic residue that thrives in warm, nutrient-rich water, as was the case in Pokegama Lake earlier this year. The protists choke out aquatic life, especially fish that thrive in cold, deep waters. This is all exacerbated by warming air temperatures. 

The 75 percent rule

Researchers and conservationists in Minnesota are now studying the best ways to protect temperate-climate lakes from the worst effects of climate change. They have found that preserving 75 percent of deep-water lakes’ watersheds appear to keep fish stocks healthy. 

“Having a forested watershed helps keep better water quality by filtering out nutrients, which in turn can buffer against the impacts of climate change, to a point,” Knoll said. However, she added, as temperatures continue to rise, “that 75 percent may not be high enough anymore.” 

Knoll and state conservationists are focusing their research and efforts on deep, cool lakes that have a better chance of staying oxygenated than warmer, shallower lakes, like Pokegama.

July 2021, when the Pokegama Lake fish kill occurred, was the hottest month ever recorded on Earth. Parts of Minnesota were also experiencing the worst drought in 40 years, a trend some climatologists expect to persist in future summers. 

Vermeersch, the Minnesota fisheries supervisor, said it’s unclear what this will mean for the future of lakes like Pokegama. “Hopefully it’s not going to be a linear thing,” she said, adding that fish kills are “probably going to happen more often,” depending on a combination of factors. “When you get lakes like Pokegama that are shallow and already impaired, I think we are going to see more and more conditions like this

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Worsening droughts could increase arsenic exposure for some Americans

More than half of the continental US is currently experiencing some level of drought, and about a quarter is in severe drought or worse. In recent years, the western and southwestern US has been in a seemingly continual state of reduced rainfall and snowpack. Droughts have many well-known, potentially catastrophic consequences, from crop failures to water shortages to wildfires. Yet they can also have more direct human health impacts by not only affecting how much water there is, but also the quality of that water. 

Recent research from the US Geological Survey (USGS) suggests that droughts, particularly the prolonged kind happening in parts of the US, could increase the risk of harmful arsenic exposure for people that rely on well water. 

Hundreds of millions of years ago, the baseline quality of your drinking water may have been set in stone, literally. Arsenic is a common groundwater contaminant, largely because of local geology. In Maine, for instance, the formation of the Appalachian Mountains and volcanic activity came together to concentrate arsenic and other metals into cracks inside the bedrock, explains Sarah Hall, a geologist at College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor. From those fissures, subtle shifts in acidity, temperature, or water flow rates can draw contaminants out of the rock and into underground aquifers. 

And it’s not just Maine. In many parts of New England, the Midwest, and the Southwest arsenic levels above the 10 parts per billion (ppb) federal level are particularly common—posing an especially big problem for families that rely on well water, which can be contaminated without homeowners knowing it.

Arsenic exposure can cause a litany of health issues, including bladder and lung cancers, heart problems, lung infections, immune system depression, and cognitive decline in children, says Bruce Stanton, a molecular physiologist at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth in New Hampshire.

Municipal water supplies are routinely tested, monitored, and treated for contaminants including arsenic, says Taehyun Roh, an environmental health epidemiologist at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas. “But in the case of private wells,” he says, “there is no regulation.” Cities, towns, and counties that provide public water are legally required by the Safe Drinking Water Act to make sure their supply meets federal standards. Although there are many documented cases of municipal governments failing in their duty to provide clean, safe water (Roh references Flint, Michigan), the more than 43 million people relying on private wells in the US aren’t protected by federal standards at all. Domestic well water testing and treatment is entirely the responsibility of the individual landowner.

Between 1.5 and 2.9 million people in the US are currently drinking from wells with arsenic concentrations above the federal limit of 10 parts per billion, according to one 2017 estimate from USGS. That number could rise to more than four million during periods of drought, according to a January 2021 USGS study.

The recent research, based on computer models, estimates that drought could increase arsenic levels in wells by an average of 10 percent. “Which doesn’t seem like a lot, but when you take that over the whole country, that impact is actually pretty large,” says Melissa Lombard, lead study author and USGS hydrologist based in Pembroke, New Hampshire. Though she also cautions that her study is the first of its kind and the model is “in its infancy,” says Joseph Ayotte, another USGS hydrologist and study coauthor.

The study offers a couple of explanations for why droughts might increase the risk of arsenic exposure through well water in some areas. During droughts, groundwater levels decrease. This change in volume can cause shifts in water chemistry, like increased acidity. Because metals leaching out of rock is a chemical reaction, changes in water chemistry can speed up the process. Less groundwater also means contaminants already present in the water become more concentrated. So, even if a drought doesn’t change the total amount of dissolved arsenic in a well, every glass of water from that well may contain more.

The USGS research also partially accounted for human responses to drought that might lead to increased exposure in certain regions. During periods of extended drought in California, for instance, surface water is limited and more water is pumped from underground to meet the state’s needs, says Rich Pauloo, a hydrologist studying the issue. Overpumping can cause the land itself to sink, in the process squeezing natural arsenic out of clays and into groundwater used for drinking, according to a 2018 study published in Nature Communications.

Lombard’s study model was based on previously observed drought conditions, but climate change is projected to continue to increase the number and intensity of droughts worldwide.  “By the end of the 21st century, people living under extreme and exceptional drought could more than double,” says Yadu Pokhrel, an environmental engineer at Michigan State University. This means arsenic contamination could become even more rampant in a changing climate.

Further, adverse health effects from arsenic can pop up even at levels of exposure lower than the allowable 10 ppb federal limit, emphasize both Roh and Stanton. “Many scientists think it’s not enough,” Roh says. In one 2017 study in Iowa, he found a correlation between arsenic exposure levels as low as 2.07 ppb and increased prostate cancer risk.

On top of the health risks, arsenic is odorless, colorless, and tasteless, making it impossible to detect without a test until symptoms show up. “It’s not like if you ate a bad clam and that night, you know you ate the bad clam,” says Stanton. 

All that undetected exposure adds up and can lead to later-in-life effects, like cancer, he says, even long after someone is no longer drinking contaminated water. Research he’s done in mice and fish also suggests arsenic exposure may have epigenetic effects, which can permanently alter how the genes encoded in our DNA are expressed.

As scary as the health issues might sound though, arsenic in well water is a largely solvable problem. In many cases, all it takes is awareness of the issue, testing, and the resources for remediation. States in high risk areas like Maine, Michigan, and New Mexico have county and state programs that help provide low-cost or free arsenic tests.  Well owners can also pay for private well testing from accredited labs, although these tests can cost upwards of $100. Most states recommend re-testing every three to five years. If you live in a high-risk region and your well tests near the federal limit, though, Hall says you should consider arsenic testing twice per year, as levels can vary seasonally. 

Depending on how high your levels are, says Stanton, a simple water filter pitcher could resolve the issue. In his house, “even the dog gets the filtered water.” Although, he adds, high arsenic concentrations—far above the 10 ppb federal limit—can exceed a faucet or pitcher filter’s capacity, and require expensive reverse osmosis systems that can cost thousands. According to Stanton, the preventative cost of reducing exposure is worth it. He references “horror stories of people who are in and out of the hospital multiple times” or become chronically ill and end up with hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills. 

“You worry about people with low incomes who simply can’t afford it,” says Stanton. People living in rural areas reliant on well water are more likely to be living in poverty, with less disposable income, than those in denser areas on public water. “This has to do with environmental justice,” he adds. 

In New England, scientists, community members, and advocacy groups have come together to try to tackle issues of well testing and remediation access. Jane Disney, director of the community environmental health laboratory at Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine co-runs a community citizen science project with Stanton’s Dartmouth lab. The project, titled “All About Arsenic—Data to Action” enlists middle and high school students in testing their families’ wells for arsenic, covering the cost of testing, while simultaneously teaching the students data literacy skills and creating a platform for youth advocacy. 

So far, the project has collected more than 3,000 water samples from around the state and worked with more than 20 schools. Students from the project have recently teamed up with Defend Our Health, an environmental health advocacy organization based in Portland, Maine. The group is campaigning to expand testing resources across multiple states, mandate landlords disclose well testing information, and strengthen Maine’s drinking water standards. In Texas, Roh is in the early stages of a similar community testing program, which adds urine and toenail sample collection along with tap water testing. These biological samples can show if participants actually have detectable arsenic levels in their bodies. In exchange for participating, Roh says, people will receive a water filter to put on their tap.

Hopefully, increased awareness, research, and testing leads to change and resilience in the face of current and future droughts—but it will take persistence. In her work studying arsenic in well water, Hall says she’s encountered some resistance to the idea of testing and treatment. “There’s this idyllic version of rural life where it’s like, ‘oh, we’re living off the land and drinking our water.’” People imagine that water to be as pure and natural as the bucolic landscape, but ultimately, Hall cautions, “there’s nothing [natural] about drilling 100 to 600 foot well into rock and sucking water out of it.”

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