Carmakers Withdraw from Trump Lawsuit Against California

Several automakers withdrew from the lawsuit by the Trump administration to revoke California’s ability to make its own emissions and fuel economy rules.

The ink was not even dry on Pete Buttigieg’s confirmation as Secretary of Transportation by the U.S. Senate when several automakers announced they were “withdrawing” from the lawsuit filed by the Trump administration to roll back the State of California’s right to set its own emission and fuel economy standards.

Toyota, Fiat Chrysler and Subaru joined General Motors, which pulled its support for the suit last November, in dumping the effort. Previously sided with Trump administration’s effort, encapsulated in federal lawsuit filed in the fall of 2019 to shut down California’s role in setting the nation’s automotive policy.

The automakers insisted they were not trying to punish California for its aggressive stance on climate change but to campaign for “one national standard” that could be applied across the United States.

However, the world has changed dramatically since the previous administration initially filed suit with the support of GM, FCA and Toyota as well as Hyundai, Kia, Mazda and the National Auto Dealers Association.

(GM throws support behind California in emissions court battle with Trump.)

GM pulled its support for the lawsuit against California in late November.

For one thing, after a boisterous campaign that led to record voter turnout, Trump is no longer president and California has expanded its fight against climate change by moving aggressively to foreclose the sale of new vehicles with internal combustion engines throughout the state by 2035.

California Governor Gavin Newsome tweeted his support for the move, offering his thanks for “dropping your climate-denying, air-polluting, Trump-era lawsuit against CA.”

He added, “Good start. Now it’s time to join forward-looking carmakers in the CA framework to protect our air and planet.” Other automakers, including Ford, BMW, Honda and more forged a new deal with the state on mandates that were tougher than the Trump standard, but less stringent than the Obama administration’s benchmarks.

Edmunds, the internet-based car buying service, is predicting sales of electric vehicles will set a record in 2021 and as of last week, General Motors is saying it plans to exit the business of selling cars with combustion engines by 2035 and become carbon neutral by 2040.

The Coalition for Sustainable Automotive Regulation, which also sided with the Trump administration in its battle against California, reiterated its support for having just one nationwide emissions standard, but said it was leaving the litigation “in a gesture of good faith,” towards the Biden administration.

Toyota was joined by several automakers in the move to pull out of the legal battle with California.

In his first full day of office on Jan. 21, the Biden administration had asked to “pause” the litigation around the California standards.

“In a gesture of good faith and to find a constructive path forward, the CSAR has decided to withdraw from this lawsuit in order to unify the auto industry behind a single national program, with ambitious, achievable standards,” the CSAR said in a statement.

CSAR’s move follows the lead of General Motors, which was also initially on the side of the Trump administration but exited in November following Biden’s election victory, according to The Hill, an online publication that follows development on Capitol Hill.

(California moves to block Trump fuel efficiency standard.)

The list of CSAR members include Kia, Mazda, Mitsubishi and Subaru, according to the organization’s website.

And it comes following the Biden administration’s decision ask the court to pause the litigation, after it identified the former Trump administration’s rule as one it would seek to review and potentially reverse course on.

“Abeyance will further the Court’s interests in avoiding unnecessary adjudication, support the integrity of the administrative process, and ensure due respect for the prerogative of the executive branch to reconsider the policy decisions of a prior Administration,” the administration said in court.

It is also seeking to hit pause on other rules including the prior administration’s methane regulations.

Meanwhile, Buttigieg, the former mayor South Bend, Indiana, who has been tapped by Biden to serve as Secretary of Transportation, and to help lead the new administration’s fight to curb climate change, was confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

The automakers’ decision to withdraw from the lawsuit makes it easier for Buttigieg to discuss a new round of initiatives for the industry and bring California’s interests into the discussion. Relations between Washington and California had been strained during the Trump era.

California, however, has a well-established role in setting automotive policy on issues relating to air quality since the late 1940s and early 1950s when the collision between Southern California’s unique environment, vibrant automotive culture and explosive economic growth had led to the creation of a smog layer that threatened the health of young children and older residents.

The choking smog led to a series of laws, regulations and subsequently court decision that gave the state of California’s statement government, which is now in the hands of Democrats beholden to environmental groups rather than the oil industry, the right to control air quality.

(Trump confirms mileage standards cut, elimination of California clean air waiver.)

In 2007, the U.S. Supreme Court in Massachusetts vs EPA, gave states the authority to curb emissions of greenhouse gasses, which contribute to climate change.

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Japan Joins Growing List of Countries Set to Ban Sales of Gas-Powered Vehicles

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga supports the move to ban the sale of non-electric new vehicles staring in 2035.

Despite strong pushback from the country’s largest automaker, Japan has announced plans to halt the sale of vehicles relying solely on internal combustion engines after 2035.

The move means the Asian nation will join a growing list of countries planning to phase out vehicles powered by gas or diesel, including both the United Kingdom and Norway. A number of other countries, including France and Germany, are considering similar bans.

Vehicles with internal combustion engines won’t be banned entirely. Automakers will still be able to market hybrids in Japan, regulators ruled. Even so, the plan released on Christmas Day was a significant victory for Japanese environmentalists considering it was strongly opposed by key industry leaders, including Toyota President Akio Toyoda who warned earlier this month that a broad shift to electric vehicles could cause the auto industry’s traditional business model “to collapse.”

(Toyota boss Akio Toyoda remains EV skeptic.)

Akio Toyoda, Toyota’s top officer, is against the ban.

As the head of Japan’s largest and most powerful company – and in his role as the head of the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association – Toyoda hoped to convince regulators to back off on the proposed ban. But it had widespread backing from other quarters, including Japan’s new Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga.

In October, shortly after assuming his post, Suga had pledged to cut Japan’s carbon dioxide emissions to net zero by 2050 while indicating he supported a shift to battery-powered vehicles.

Global sales of electrified vehicles remain modest, running in single digits in all but a handful of markets, even when including hybrids, PHEVs and fuel-cell vehicles, as well as pure battery-electric vehicles. But demand is expected to increase sharply as key obstacles, such as range, cost and public charging, are addressed. It also will help that scores of new BEVs are scheduled to go into production in the coming years, proponents say.

While Japanese automakers were pioneers with their early push to bring hybrids to market, “Japan is very far behind” in terms of developing more advanced products relying solely on battery power, Masayoshi Arai, an official with the country’s

Nissan is one of a few Japanese automakers dedicating resources to a move to EVs.

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, said last week.

Toyota only recently introduced a BEV model in Europe, though it has announced plans to add two more – one through the flagship Toyota division, a second under the Lexus badge. It also this month revealed an all-electric microcar targeting the Japanese home market. Only the Nissan and Mitsubishi brands, among Japanese automakers, have committed significant resources to the development of pure battery-electric vehicles and, even then, they have fallen behind key foreign rivals in terms of bringing new products to market.

(Toyota hopes to boost interest in hydrogen tech with second-generation Mirai.)

Toyota officials have, throughout the years, pointed to numerous concerns about BEVs, including their cost, limited range and other obstacles to widespread consumer acceptance. For his part, company chief Toyoda said this month that he feared a switch to all-electric models would seriously disrupt the classic automotive industry business model. He also raised questions about whether Japan’s electric grid could supply the needed energy — and, if it did add the generating capacity, he warned, that could actually increase the country’s reliance on fossil fuels.

With the debut of the 2021 Mirai fuel-cell vehicle, Toyota’s hoping to spur interest in the tech again.

For his part, Japan’s new prime minister is downplaying such concerns and said that efforts to address greenhouse gas production “should be tackled as a strategy for growth, not as a limitation on growth.”

Downplaying the need for new coal or natural gas plants, the plan released by the Japanese government would add up to 45 gigawatts of new offshore wind generating capacity by 2040.

With the Christmas Day announcement, Japan becomes the second member of the Group of Seven, or G7, to lay out specific plans to ban non-electrified vehicles.

The UK originally had planned to do so by 2040 but now has pushed that target date up to 2030. Like Japan, its ban will continue to permit the sale of hybrids – but only through 2035, at which point only pure, zero-emissions vehicles will be able to be sold in Great Britain. That will include both BEVs and hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles.

Despite its reticence about EVs, Toyota rolled out a new battery-electric car Dec. 25: the C+pod.

A handful of other countries, including Norway, have also laid out ZEV transition plans. So have some states and regions – including California and the Canadian province of British Columbia. A number of cities, such as London, Paris, Berlin and Mexico City, plan to bar vehicles not running in zero-emissions mode, meanwhile. China, meanwhile, has laid out plans to have “New Energy Vehicles,” plug-based models, reach 20% of the market by 2025. It is considering a total ban at a later date.

(Britain to ban sale of all new gas and diesel cars by 2030.)

With most of the country’s automakers reluctant to bring plug-based models to market, demand has grown far more slowly than in many other major regions. The Ministry of Economy, Industry and Trade noted that consumers purchased only 6,000 PHEVs and BEVs during the third quarter of 2020. By comparison, demand tripled in Europe to 270,000 – all-electric models accounting for roughly three-quarters of Norwegian sales. China, meanwhile, is expected to again top 1 million plug-based models for all of 2020.